Rushing & Guice: Banking & Finance Legal Services for the Gulf Coast of Mississippi

Banking and Finance Lawyers Serving Biloxi, Mississippi

Led by Rushing & Guice partner William L. Guice III, the firm’s banking and financial institutions practice encompasses all manner of services for banks, credit unions, finance companies, and lenders. Banking and finance lawyers deal with the lending and borrowing of money, and the management of financial liabilities.

These lawyers bring their exceptional expertise to help structure their clients’ transactions, to protect their clients’ legal and commercial interests, and to negotiate and document the contractual relationship between lenders and borrowers.

Steeped in technical language and regulatory frameworks, the mechanics of banking and financial practice require depth of experience, knowledge, and understanding of the fast pace of legal, regulatory, and technology evolution.

The Emerging Challenges of Regulation and Technology

We have extensive experience guiding our clients through a complex and constantly changing legal, regulatory, and technology landscape, providing the counsel they need to thrive in challenging credit and competitive environments. In the past, banking institutions focused on Return on Equity as the measure of success. However, as banks continue to face economic uncertainties, restrictive regulatory environments, and intense competition, they are also realizing the need to invest in technologies to keep them current and competitive.

Our firm offers traditional drafting and review of complex documents required to comply with statutory mandates and appropriate to complex business lending. We can devise effective strategies in handling a workout. And when necessary, our experienced lawyers can engage in litigation to fully protect our clients’ interests. With today’s cutting-edge challenges to maintain effective and secure technologies, our attorneys can guide banking and finance clients through the purchase or lease of software, including Artificial Intelligence, to enhance banking investment tools and meet emerging consumer demands that keep banks and financial institutions competitive.

Rushing & Guice is a trusted and steadfast partner for those in the financial services sector spanning the full spectrum of legal, counseling, and technology services.

New concepts like FinTech, blockchain, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, along with Artificial Intelligence, are changing the face of banking and financial services. FinTech companies were once seen as competitors to banks, emerging from a regulatory void. However, banks and FinTech can work together to provide seamless financial services to customers.

Blockchain is offering peer-to-peer lending with smart contracts and digital payments, decreasing costs, and challenging the role of banking in commercial lending. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are disrupting the finance industry. Banks and financial institutions need to pay attention to these developments to keep competitive. All the while, Artificial Intelligence is dramatically changing lending, investment, and customer services. We are riding a revolution and you need a careful, thoughtful legal team to guide you through these changes.

Integrated Banking and Financial Services

Our banking practice works in concert with our other practice areas to provide a broad perspective and range of capabilities not often found in firms of our size. We have robust bankruptcy, business transactions and litigation, and real estate practices, and our commercial collections attorneys have earned Rushing & Guice the distinction of being the only Mississippi member of the International Association of Commercial Collectors. Our small size also allows us to provide tailored solutions and unmatched accessibility for our clients while ensuring that they get the best possible advice and are positioned for growth and success.
Here is only a partial list of our banking and financial legal services:

  • Asset-based financial services and factoring
  • Bankruptcy and creditor’s rights
  • Commercial collections
  • Compliance opinions
  • Data privacy and cybersecurity
  • Foreclosures
  • Investment management
  • Lender liability
  • Loan documentation
  • Loan workouts
  • Mechanic’s, tax and other lien priority disputes
  • Mortgage fraud representation
  • Prosecution and defense of fraudulent transfer claims
  • SBA loan closings
  • Uniform Commercial Code

Deep Experience & Understanding of Regulatory Frameworks

At Rushing & Guice, our attorneys have extensive experience with and a deep understanding of the federal and state statutes that regulate financial institutions. Federal regulation is extensive: the Truth in Lending Act, Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, Consumer Leasing Act, Fair Housing Act, Military Lending Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, Bank Secrecy Act, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Consumer Financial Protection Act, and the complex rules and regulations of the Office of Foreign Assets Control, the Bank Holding Company Act, the Home Owners Loan Act, and Community Reinvestment Act.

Banking and finance are also regulated by the Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance which oversees the operation of 60 state-chartered banks, 4 state-chartered credit unions, and one non-depository trust company. State regulations, too, must be followed. The Banking and Consumer Finance Department supervises over $91 billion in assets held by these banks and institutions.

Our attorneys can guide our banking and finance clients through these statutory frameworks to ensure compliance while maintaining efficient business environments.

Mississippi Banking Litigation Experts

Our lawyers can represent your banking and financial institution in government enforcement actions and hearings, civil and criminal court matters, and internal investigations. Our team brings years of courtroom and litigation experience to our clients in a variety of settings, starting with negotiations, administrative hearings, and of course, litigation. Whether a regulatory enforcement action or a foreclosure, Rushing & Guice brings over one hundred years of reputation and skill to your representation.

Hire Rushing & Guice, P.L.L.C: Biloxi and Gulf Coast Banking and Financial Services Law Firm

At Rushing & Guice, we know the financial services sector and work with our clients to protect their bottom lines and provide them with stability and certainty in uncertain times. Call us at (228) 374-2313 or fill out our online form to arrange for a limited initial consultation. We look forward to hearing from you, and to the opportunity of serving as your attorneys.