The Mississippi Insurance Department, in partnership with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), now offers a free service that helps Mississippians search for and locate a deceased loved one’s unclaimed life insurance benefits.

The NAIC’s Life Insurance Policy Locator provides nationwide access for assistance with finding life insurance policies and annuities. An estimated $1 billion in benefits from life insurance policies remain unclaimed according to Consumer Reports. A link to the service can be found on the Mississippi Insurance Department Consumer Service page of the department’s website,

All requests are encrypted and secured to maintain confidentiality. Participating insurers will compare submitted requests with available policyholder information. Companies will then contact beneficiaries or their authorized representatives. Before utilizing this service, it is recommended that you conduct a diligent search of the deceased person’s records. This search should include looking through the decedent’s personal files, contacting any previous employers and reviewing bank account statements for premium payments.

If you have any questions regarding this matter or any legal issue, please do not hesitate to contact us.