These days, most people do not leave the house without a cell phone or smartphone. These powerful handheld devices allow us to stay in touch with work, loved ones, and numerous other activities. People use apps to track what they eat, how many steps they take, and which coupons to use.

Because they feature built-in and readily accessible cameras, smartphones can also be instrumental in preserving important evidence at the scene of an accident. If an injured person has a smartphone, the phone’s camera can document injuries and property damage minutes after an accident.

Why Pictures Are Important

As the popular saying goes: a picture is worth a thousand words. In a personal injury claim, a photograph can have a significant impact on an injured person’s ability to prove damages. With photos, it is often possible to show how vehicles collided, where tire marks imprinted on pavement, and how many injuries a person sustained. People, including juries, often respond more readily to photographic evidence. There is a difference between telling someone an accident was severe and showing the person a photo of the injuries and property damage. A single powerful photo can help move a claim toward a favorable outcome.

Accident Photography Tips

An injured person does not need to be a professional photographer to take effective photos, but there are several things that can be done to maximize the usefulness of pictures.

  • Take photos that capture the weather conditions, such as rain, overcast clouds, snow, ice, or high wind.
  • Try to capture the surrounding area as well as the details of the scene. Take pictures from many different angles and distances.
  • Photograph injuries at the scene as well as each day after the accident. Remember that bruises darken over time.
  • Take photos of both the interior and exterior of the vehicles involved in the accident.
  • Photograph any available road signs, such as ones that show speed or cautionary information.

Remember that safety is always the first priority. If someone is too injured to take photos, the person should seek medical help right away. Furthermore, if the other driver becomes angry or combative at the scene of the accident, wait until the police arrive.

Rushing & Guice, P.L.L.C.: Mississippi and Gulf Coast Catastrophic Personal Injury Lawyers

If you have been injured in a catastrophic accident, you need compassionate, experienced legal advocates on your side from the start.

At Rushing & Guice, P.L.L.C., we help people obtain compensation for their injuries. Call us today at (228) 374-2313 to discuss your case.

This website has been prepared by Rushing & Guice, P.L.L.C. for informational purposes only and does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. The information is not provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship and is not intended to substitute for legal advice from an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.