Where Do Most Car Accidents Happen Mississippi Gulf Coast portrayed by blue car after an accident.

Contrary to popular opinion, most car accidents do not happen on particularly busy roadways or intersections. The most common place for car accidents in Mississippi is near the victim’s home.

Relatively quiet neighborhoods or rural roads see a large proportion of the state’s accidents—though intersections and parking lots are other common locations for motoring accidents in Mississippi.

Let’s look a little closer at the accident statistics in Mississippi.

The four most common places for car accidents in Mississippi

Where a car accident occurs can affect what you do after the collision, how bad your injuries may be, and the evidence-gathering process for proving liability as you prepare to claim compensation against the at-fault driver(s).

Statistically, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the four most common locations for accidents in Mississippi are near the victim’s home, in rural areas, at intersections, and in parking lots. Some of these locations may be surprising, so let’s look at why accidents happen so frequently there.

1.    Accidents near home

People generally drive most frequently in locations near their homes. Most fatal accidents occur within 25 miles of the victim’s home. Unfortunately, driving is something of a “numbers game” where the more time you spend on the roads, the higher the chance there is of being involved in a collision.

2.    Accidents on rural roads

More accidents occur on rural roads than in urban areas, with over 50 percent of fatal accidents occurring in rural areas. This should come as little surprise because Mississippi is one of the most rural states in the country, increasing the number of road incidents in these areas.

Factors that may contribute to rural areas being major accident locations include the reduced police presence there, a lack of speed limit or DUI enforcement, a lack of signage and street lighting, long and windy roads with dangerous overtaking, poorly maintained roads, and increased driver distractions (due to alcohol or other reasons).

Other factors that may increase accidents on rural roads are drivers letting their guard down compared to driving in urban areas and wildlife crossing the roads.

3.    Accidents at intersections

The fact that intersections are a major accident location in Mississippi should surprise few people because wherever cars need to turn or cross paths, stop signs or red lights need to be obeyed or other road signals observed, costly mistakes can be made by drivers.

4.    Accidents in parking lots

Parking lots are another primary accident location in Mississippi. This is largely because of the difficulties in parking vehicles near or next to many other vehicles, resulting in an increased potential for collisions.

Fortunately, most parking lot collisions happen at relatively low speeds, so accidents are often relatively minor but those involving pedestrians can result in serious injuries.

Who is liable for a car accident in Mississippi?

Regardless of where the collision occurs, if your car accident was the result of another driver’s negligence or recklessness, the at-fault party may be liable for damages. Usually, this involves a claim for expenses and pain and suffering through the at-fault party’s insurance company.

Holding the at-fault party liable can be challenging because the insurance company is likely to contest claims. To prove liability in Mississippi, you will need to demonstrate the following elements:

  • The at-fault party owed the victim a duty of care by obeying all traffic laws
  • The duty of care was breached by the driver’s actions, e.g., ignoring a stop sign
  • This breach of duty caused the collision
  • The victim suffered damages, such as medical expenses and loss of quality of life

A dedicated personal injury lawyer can help identify the liable party, prove negligence or recklessness, calculate the available compensation with the insurance company, and negotiate a full and fair settlement.

How to prove the cause of your car accident

In the likely event that the insurance company of the at-fault party contests your version of events, you will need to prove what caused your accident injuries.

This generally involves an investigation into the accident to collect and analyze evidence. A police report that backs up your version of events is critical evidence so all collisions in Mississippi should be reported to law enforcement, first and foremost.

If you work with a personal injury attorney, the evidence-gathering process will be handled by your lawyer while you recover from your injuries. This process may include the following:

  • Eyewitness interviews
  • Video or photos of the accident scene
  • Medical records
  • Documentation of damages incurred

Sometimes, an accident scene survey or even a reconstruction of the accident may be required, with expert testimony or forensic evidence produced.

Damages for accident injuries in Mississippi

If a fair settlement cannot be negotiated with the insurance company of the at-fault party, Mississippi residents may have the option to file a lawsuit against the driver. The vast majority of cases are settled before the need for a trial—even if a lawsuit is required—but insurance companies often delay and try to reduce the payout.

A full and fair settlement for accident injuries may include the following types of damages in Mississippi:

  • Expenses related to all medical treatment and future medical care costs
  • Income lost due to time missed at work
  • Diminished earning capacity due to the ongoing impact of injuries
  • Property damage, including vehicle repair or replacement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life/quality of life

If a victim dies from car accident injuries, the family of the victim may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the at-fault driver.

How can a car accident lawyer help you?

Wherever the accident occurs, injuries from a collision caused by the negligence or recklessness of another driver can be compensated under Mississippi law—but claiming what you deserve can be challenging without the assistance of a personal injury lawyer experienced in dealing with such cases.

If you need the assistance of a car accident lawyer in the Biloxi area of Mississippi, contact Rushing & Guice, PLLC by call (228) 374-2313 or contact us direclty online for legal advice and assistance.