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Ocean Springs, Mississippi Environmental Lawyers

Environmental law has been around for a long time, but just recently has become something to be aware of or worry about. With climate change and many companies breaking environmental laws, the economic and socio-geopolitical impact of these laws requires an intricate matrix that must be continuously evolving. At Rushing & Guice, our Ocean Springs Environmental Lawyers have decades of experience assisting public and private clients with state and federal. When it comes to the environment, our environmental lawyers are there for you. We can help set up the internal procedures and guide expansion when necessary so that your company ...

October 27, 2022|Environment Law|

Water Pollution: What You Need to Know

It is everyone's right to have access to clean, safe water. When water becomes unfit for human consumption, animals, or plants, it is considered contaminated. It doesn't matter where drinking water comes from, it can get contaminated. In some cases, legal action is necessary to ensure your right to clean water. Water Pollution In Mississippi Despite limited freshwater resources in many parts of the world, a significant amount of them are polluted by pollutants generated by industrial, agricultural, and energy generation activities. The state of Mississippi is particularly affected by water pollution. According to the Environmental Protection ...

September 26, 2022|Environment Law|

Greenwashing Litigation: Prosecuting “green” companies

When plaintiffs file greenwashing litigation, a business is accused of making false statements about its environmental, social, and governance practices in order to appeal to consumers' interest in eco-friendliness. Specific causes of action vary from case to case, but include claims of fraud, false advertising and unfair and deceptive trade practices. Greenwashing, or the act of misleading consumers about a company's environmental practices, is a growing concern. While some companies may genuinely be trying to go green, others may be using misleading tactics to make their products seem more environmentally friendly than they actually are. What Is ESG? ...

August 22, 2022|Environment Law|

Reasons To Hire A Commercial Real Estate Attorney

There are many reasons to hire a commercial real estate attorney when you are buying or selling commercial property. An attorney can help protect your interests and ensure that the contract is fair and accurate. Additionally, an attorney can help with the drafting of contracts and other legal documents related to commercial real estate transactions. If you are considering buying or selling commercial property, it is important to consult with a commercial real estate lawyer to make sure that you are making the best decisions for your business. A commercial real estate attorney will be able to help you with ...

April 18, 2022|Real Estate Law|

When Considering an Estate Plan, Where should I start?

Most of us want our property and assets to go to our loved ones upon our death. When you pass away, the state you reside in will use its intestate succession rules to determine who inherits from you if you don't include your desired heirs in your will. This may not be a concern for some individuals, but it is for others. If you have no biological or adoptive relatives still living, your friends and favorite organizations won't get anything through intestate succession. You may also need a will if you have a child with a gambling addiction who you'd ...

April 15, 2022|Estate Planning|

How To Protect Your Assets In The Event Of An Unplanned Death

No one likes to think about death, but the fact is that it's a part of life. And if you don't take steps to protect your assets in the event of an unplanned death, your loved ones could be left struggling financially. The good news is that there are things you can do to help ensure your estate is handled smoothly. One of the most important is to start by assessing your current financial and personal situation. Take a close look at where your assets are invested, the number of heirs you have, and whether you have a will in ...

March 25, 2022|Estate Planning|

How Does Mississippi Probate Work?

When a person dies in Mississippi, probate is the legal process through which a deceased's assets are collected, identified, valued, and distributed to creditors and/or their heirs. Generally speaking, probate involves the appointment of an executor or administrator by the local Chancery Court who is responsible for collecting all probate assets owned by your loved one at death. Mississippi man signing a last will and testament document. What is a Probate Asset? In Mississippi, probate assets include all real and/or personal property which you own at death that does not pass to your heirs or beneficiaries by operation ...

February 8, 2022|Estate Planning, Probate Law|


BILLY GUICE SELECTED FOR INCLUSION IN AMERICA’S TOP 100 HIGH STAKES LITIGATORS® Rushing & Guice, PLLC is pleased to announce the selection of William “Billy” Lee Guice III to America’s Top 100 High Stakes Litigators® for 2020. Selection to America’s Top 100 High Stakes Litigators® is by invitation only and is reserved to identify the nation’s most exceptional trial attorneys in high value, high stakes legal matters. To be considered for selection, an attorney must have litigated a matter (1) with at least $2,000,000 in alleged damages at stake or (2) with the fate of a business worth at least ...

August 11, 2020|News|

An Important Message for our Clients from Rushing & Guice, PLLC

An Important Message for our Clients from Rushing & Guice, PLLC Dear Valued Clients, Business Colleagues and Friends: Due to our status as an essential business, our office in downtown Ocean Springs is open and we are here to help you, your families and your businesses. Rushing & Guice remains prepared and committed to the continued satisfaction of our clients’ needs while also playing a supportive role in minimizing the spread of COVID-19. For this reason, we ask that your initial contact with us be by phone or email only so that we can assure all of our clients that ...

March 30, 2020|News|

Rushing & Guice Is Now Accepting Toxic Mold Cases For Review

Do You Have Toxic Mold Syndrome in Mississippi? Have you ever wondered whether you can recover from injuries caused by exposure to toxic mold? The answer is yes. Toxic Mold Syndrome (TMS) is the term used to define illnesses that arise from exposure to spores of certain molds. These specific molds produce a poison called mycotoxin which can cause serious health problems. The spores are released into the air and can be inhaled. Toxic Mold Symptoms Symptoms of mycotoxin exposure can include skin rashes, fever, nose and throat irritation, dizziness, lung congestion and shortness of breath, nausea, fever with accompanying ...

July 6, 2018|News|

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