
What Happens to Your Personal Injury Case If You Were Partially At Fault?

When a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit is filed, the injured person or those who have lost a loved one are alleging that someone else is responsible for the incident that led to the injury or death and therefore should be liable to pay damages. Sometimes, multiple parties may be at fault and more than one party is sued, for example, a truck driver and a trucking company. But what happens when the injured or deceased person was also somewhat responsible for the accident? Are they or their family out of luck? …

February 13, 2015|General|

Does My Child’s Opinion Matter In Determining Custody?

Most parents going through the difficult process of divorce recognize that the impact of their decision to separate falls heaviest on their children. Kids don’t make the choice to end their parents’ relationship and they may have their own opinions about what happens to them next, who they want to live with, and how much time they want to spend with one parent or the other. Amidst the discussions between the parents, they may be wondering if the children’s wishes are a factor in a court’s decision as to custody. …

December 22, 2014|General|

Looking for a New Home for Your Business? Look for These Key Commercial Lease Provisions

When you make the decision to rent commercial space for your business, the considerations involved go far beyond location, term, and rent. Failure to take into account a number of other important issues, or ignorance of the detailed terms of your lease, can come back to haunt you with devastating consequences for the continued viability of your business. …

December 8, 2014|General|

Rushing & Guice Once Again Included on List of “Best Law Firms” by U.S. News & World Report

Rushing & Guice, P.L.L.C. is proud to announce that it has once again been honored with a recognition by U.S. News & World Report in its 2015 "Best Law Firms" rankings. Rushing & Guice managing partner Maria Martinez commented on the recognition: "This is quite an honor for us. The fact that U.S. News & World Report included Rushing & Guice in its selection of "Best Law Firms 2015" signals that our constant efforts towards innovation, client service, and legal excellence continue to pay off for our clients. We are proud to be included on this list." For the quality of its law practice and breadth of legal expertise, ...

November 22, 2014|General|

Injured Oil Rig Workers and the Jones Act

Anyone who has worked on a Gulf oil rig or has a loved one working on one knows that there are any number of ways that things can go wrong and lead to serious injuries. Defective drilling rigs, wellheads, and other machinery; improperly designed or installed safety features; gas leaks; structural damage to the rig; and hazardous weather conditions are just a few of issues that potentially confront oil rig workers on a daily basis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), when compared to all U.S. workers, those who work in the oil and gas extraction ...

November 8, 2014|General|

The Discovery Process: How it Works and How It Affects Your Case

Litigation can be a lengthy and frustrating process. Even seemingly “simple” cases can take a long time to reach a resolution, whether they conclude with a settlement agreement or a jury verdict. There are many reasons that lawsuits can take so long; everything from a court’s crowded docket to pre-trial challenges regarding the sufficiency of the complaint or the validity of the cause of action. However, what usually consumes the most time and effort between the time a lawsuit is filed and the time it concludes is discovery. …

September 8, 2014|General|

What It Means to Be Mississippi’s Only Law Firm in the International Association of Commercial Collectors

Rushing & Guice takes great pride in being the only Mississippi law firm that is a member of the International Association of Commercial Collectors (IACC), the largest organization of commercial collection specialists in the world. But what does that mean for our clients in need of assistance with outstanding debts and receivables, and what impact does that have on those debtors with whom we interact? …

August 22, 2014|General|

Biloxi Guardians and Conservatorship Lawyers

Guardians and Conservators for Adults In Mississippi Caring for Those Who Can’t Care For Themselves You’ve probably seen or heard the term "guardian" before, perhaps on a form that required the signature of a "parent or guardian." While we of course intuitively know what a parent is, how and why people become guardians of other people may not be so familiar. This is particularly the case when guardianship is established for an adult. Adult guardianships in Mississippi are established when someone becomes unable to take care of themselves and their affairs and another individual, usually but not always ...

July 22, 2014|General|
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